One-to-One Support

We run multiple projects, but our core service is our one-to-one person centred careers advice and support in the Lincoln and Sleaford area. Generally, everyone will receive at least one session of this, even if they come to us on a different project!

What is this?

A one to one session with one of our team can take many forms. Generally the default is face to face in our office at City Hall, but we get that this isn’t the greatest fit for everyone, especially with all that’s happened since 2020! As such, we’re also happy to do video chats, phone calls, or even typed WhatsApp sessions if you’re a bit phone shy. For those who prefer the open air, we even do Walk and Talks around The Arboretum where suitable.


Basically, it’s tailored to whatever makes you feel the most comfortable.


How can I book an appointment?

The easiest way to book an appointment is by filling out the form below.

We’ll usually reply in one working day, but do just check your spam email box folks!

or you can phone us: 01522 245 002 

or text/phone us on: 07458 016056